GTEK BlackBoard-4
Drivers and Utilities Universal Installer for Windows95/NT operating system
gwin.exe Windows 3.1 & 3.11 Installer
freebsd.tar.gz Setup instructions for FREEBSD
bsdi.tar.gz Setup instructions for BSDI
linux.tar.gz Setup instructions for Linux
g9comm.drv Windows 3.1 Comm driver Watchdog driver for DOS and Windows95 Watchdog setup under OS/2 (third party)
SIO by Ray Gwinn Download SIO drivers for OS/2
WinFossil Download the WinFOSSIL driver for Windows95 DOS Utility for testing the Watchdog circuit
retcodes.txt Return Codes for the Watchdog circuit
gterm.exe Terminal testing utility for Windows operating systems
iomap.exe DOS Utility - maps I/O space
windows.doc Windows 3.1 setup information

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